Each Hymnal is $16.50 per book. You can still donate a hymnal in honor of your family, in memory of a loved one or simply as a gift to someone. Stop by the office or you can make your gift online and designate them for the Worship Hymnals. A donor plaque will be placed in the front inside cover of the hymnal in recognition. Thank you.
Once or twice a month, Fr. John is hosting "Rectory Gatherings" for registered parishioners. Each gathering has about 20 people, and we always have white and red wine. The cost of the wine for one of these gatherings is $48 for white and red wine.
Our G.O. Board is brand new, and we will be posting specific items needed either by the parish or the school. These items may be large or small in cost, and parishioners can see the need and decide to donate all, part or one specific item. This is an extraordinary act of stewardship and your generosity greatly assists our parish family! Thank you!
The Queen of Hearts 50/50 Raffle at St. James Catholic Church is a fun, unique and creative way people can support St. James mission within the community. The Queen of Hearts Raffle is a weekly progressive raffle that ends when a ticket is drawn that has the number of the envelope that contains the Queen of Hearts. There are 54 cards in the deck (we will use the 52 cards and both jokers). Each playing card will be inserted into an envelope at random. Each envelope will be numbered and placed on the board. People can buy as many tickets as they wish. Only one ticket will be drawn each week, and so one name and one envelope number. The envelope number that corresponds to the drawn ticket will be opened and the card revealed. If the Queen of Hearts is not behind the envelope, then the pot accumulates, people will purchase new tickets for the drawing that will take place the following week. This goes on until there is a jackpot winner (in other words, until a ticket is drawn that has the envelope containing the Queen of Hearts)....it's a lot of fun. Tickets are $1 each or in the first four weeks you can take advantage of the special ticket price of: Week one 54 tickets for $50; Week two, 53 tickets for $50; Week three 52 tickets for $50 and Week four 51 tickets for $50. After week four, the the ticket prices may go up to $2 per ticket. ***even if you purchase 54 tickets for the first week, keep in mind, a lot of other people will be doing the same thing, but only one ticket is drawn each week, and that ticket has only one envelope number. Therefore, only the person whose ticket is drawn is eligible to win.
This Sunday, October 7 is the Feast of our Lady of the Rosary, you can read more about the Feast itself by clicking on the image to the left. The Bishop has asked each Pastor to pray the Rosary in the presence of the Eucharist at the hour of Mercy this Sunday (3pm), October 7. We will have solemn Exposition, pray the Rosary and then have solemn Benediction and Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament. 3 PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 3:00 PM to 3:05 PM Private Prayer for the Church, nation and world. 3:05 PM to 3:20 PM Recitation of the Rosary 3:20 PM Solemn Benediction and Reposition.
September 26, 2018 will be our second talk in the Credo Faith Formation series open to the entire parish. There will be refreshments served immediately after the Wednesday evening 6 pm Mass, and the talk will start about 6:30 and end at 7:30 pm. The theme of the talk will focus on the nature of the Church, and why Christ founded an institutional Church. One question that many people have is whether religion is essential to spirituality. These questions and more will be addressed this Wednesday!
St. Irenaeus of Lyons (2nd Century Father of the Church) said that “the glory of God is a human person fully alive.” Jesus tells us in John 10:10 that he comes to bring us life, so that we might possess it abundantly. Three ways to live a more abundant life: be a person who sees the good be a person who is self-forgetful beva person who is giving
If you are interested in becoming Catholic and entering into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church or simply interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith, this class is for you!
Bishop Kemme will come to St. James Catholic Church on September 15, 2018 at the 5:00 pm Mass to formally Install Father John Hay as Pastor of St. James the Greater Catholic Church. This is a beautiful and significant moment in the life of the parish Church, not only to welcome a new Pastor, but to welcome our diocesan Shepherd, Bishop Kemme
Fr. John will be offering a series called Credo (the word means “I believe”). These series of talks are going to be offered throughout the year, and are intended for the whole parish, so that parishioners might develop their Faith and grow spiritually.
At the beginning of the summer, St. James began to work on giving high school youth their own designated space, not only for weekly high school youth group on Wednesday evenings during the school year, but also to open its door each day after high school for students to study, enjoy fellowship, snacks, coffee and the new high speed internet service. Students can use computers in the Upper Room or bring their own and print their assignments and homework for free. Fr. John, along with Grace Allen, Avin and John George have been working on the new youth program and room, so it is all ready when school begins!
Come this Wednesday, July 25 at 6:30 pm (immediately following the 6PM Mass) to learn more about the Catholic Church. Whether you or curious or have made the decision to enter into full communion with the Church a the Solemn Easter Vigil, this is for you! We look forward to meeting you!
We still have some time before PSR begins! We are already gearing up for the new year with our new Pastor, Fr. John! As you have probably noticed, the new daily Mass schedule includes a Mass on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm. We encourage you to come when you can.
The Ice Cream Social is a fundraiser for The Altar Society and the Knights of Columbus! The money we raise at the Ice Cream Social is split between these two groups to help them carry out their ministries throughout the upcoming year. BINGO prizes for children and adults, sugar, and cash donations are being accepted to help purchase egg beaters, cream and whole milk. The cash donations can be put in an envelope marked for “Ice Cream Social” and dropped in collection.
Scott Hahn’s conversion to Catholicism is one of the most well-known and inspiring stories of today. Hear him speak at the Midwest Catholic Family conference on August 3-5 in Wichita. Save up to $30 with early bird registration by July 16th.